Series and Schemes of Work
Having created Activities and LessonStacks, you may need to organise your stacks into collections to teach over a period of time. Teachers commonly work to a Scheme of Work lasting perhaps a term or semester. We use the term 'Series' on LessonStack because there are many other reasons to create a Series, for example an induction course lasting a few weeks, or a coach designing a Series of pre-game preparation sessions.
Series on LessonStack can be re-ordered by dragging and dropping them. Optionally you can add a delivery date to the Stacks in your Series. If Stacks have a delivery date they will appear on your homepage dashboard a week in advance so you can check and make any adjustments ahead of time.
Figure 6: Dashboard with upcoming LessonStacks
When you add dates to the stacks in series you will be prompted about your upcoming lessons on the homepage, allowing you to check and update your stacks just before you teach them