At LessonStack we have a simple mission: to make teacher's lives easier by making lesson planning faster and clearer.
Central to this mission is building communities and working together.
That's why LessonStack is FREE for individual teachers, and our mission is that it always will be.
How does LessonStack support itself?
LessonStack Team spaces cost a small monthly fee and they are the perfect way to ensure your team or department can grow and organise it's teaching resources, so when team members come and go, your team can still grow and be consistent in it's planning.
Atomic Teaching: Read the FREE 15min Companion Guide
Atomic Teaching: A Methodology For The Digital Age, is a short guide that introduces an approach to teaching that emphasises clarity, reuse and community
The best way to understand what Atomic Teaching is and how it can supercharge your teaching is to give it a quick read: