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Jammer & new skater coach with Wiltshire Roller Derby
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2 from: - Stops on the whistle - Laterals in and out on the whistle - 1 lap backward - 2 laps non derby - 2 laps forward
3 from: - Bum kicks - High knees - Torso twist - Calf stretch - Thumb up thumb down
And then: - Concussion stretch
1: Whistle taps All skaters skate around the track separately. 1 whistle - single knee tap 2 whistles - double knee fall
2: Number taps Skaters pack up and coach gives everyone a number. When coach whistles and shouts their number, that person does a single knee tap and returns to skating as quick as possible.
3. Number falls As above, but skaters perform two-knee falls.
Skaters perform knee taps without coming to a complete stop, without breaking skating stride, and recover without using hands to get up. Skaters perform knee falls with knees hitting the ground in succession (not both at once) and then return to active skating within 3 seconds, without using hands to push up. Skaters fall small when in a pack and avoid tripping other skaters.
Skaters skate at pace in derby direction, then on the whistle they fall (either a 1 knee tap or 2 knee fall), get up as fast as possible and skate the other way.
Adjust according to skater ability; add extra whistles (e.g. for 1 knee or 2 knee falls), reduce time between the whistles etc.
Time for 1, 2, 3 minutes etc - if everyone skates hard this builds heart rate and is great for practising recovery when tired.
Skaters fall safely and recover quickly.
Skaters set up in a pace line.
Skater at the back weaves through.
Other skates communicate according to the rules set up by coach e.g. - Say inside/outside - Say the skater in front of you's name and tell them where the skater is etc.
Speed up the release of the back skaters to level up the drill.
Skaters weave through a paceline. Skaters communicate clearly.
Demonstrate smooth lateral cuts across the track.
For newer skaters, look for leading with the foot that they are travelling in the direction of (i.e. it's harder to travel left if your right foot is leading because your feet/legs will be crossed). An open and low stance is useful to get a smoother lateral.
Skaters practise at own pace aiming for 4 cuts on the straightaways and 3 on the apexes.
Skaters perform smooth, quick lateral cuts, crossing the track at least 4 times on each straightaway and 3 on the apexes.
No specific requirement to pass Foundations, just introducing skaters to the skill so they can practise independently.
Skaters form tripods (two forward facers and a brace) and practise moving together.
Some variations:
Low contact: Skaters wall up in a space on the track, and coach calls instructions e.g. inside, outside, middle. Depending on skill level, skaters could also rotate, drop, push backwards/forwards etc.
Low contact: Skaters wall up in 2-4 walls spaced out around the track, some on the straights and some on the apexes. Designated jammers(or coaches) move around between the walls and approach - adjust speed according to the confidence of walls. Walls must adjust their position to track the jammer. Jammer should not impact with force; stop before engaging (adjust this to the level of contact you want)
Full contact: Skaters wall up in 2-4 walls spaced out around the track, some on the straights and some on the apexes. Designated jammers move between the walls and jam against each wall. Jammers can also juke around walls. Once they get past, they skate to the next wall. Coach may ask walls to release jammers to keep it moving.
Full contact, high impact: As above but jammers must impact the wall first.
Skaters move smoothly across the track as a tripod, working together and staying stable Skaters know when it's best to stay as a 3 or for one to move off to cover a line. Skaters track jammers effectively and catch/contain them.
Skaters build up their backwards skating skills, working on what they need to depending on level. <br>
If skaters are brand new, to start them off skating backwards a 'hip wiggle' can help build momentum. Swing hips from left to right, pivoting on front wheels and moving heels from side to side.
Lemon/bubble shapes but backwards. Also a good way to introduce backwards ploughs. <br>
Begin to move one foot behind the other while skating backwards, making a figure 8 shape with skates. Skaters don't need to lift skates off the floor for this movement. <br>
Using the movement from the figure 8 stage, begin to lift the crossing over foot up at the last part of the movement. It can be useful to practise this around a small circle. Skaters can think about 'scooping' with the crossing over foot (when moving in derby direction this is normally the right foot), moving in a c shape and scooping backwards and up.
---- Skaters practise at their level in their own space, if they are ready they can do a backwards paceline, backwards weaving through cones etc.
Maintain moderate pace skating backward around the track. Stay stable and upright. Switch confidently between backwards and forwards skating.
No specific requirements to pass Foundation stage, skaters should be introduced to the skill and be able to practise independently.
Skaters take it in turn to jam wearing jammer stars.
Blockers spread out as 'trees' on the track; a few feet between each skater. One jammer starts behind all the skaters, the other jammers position themselves as more trees in between the blockers, roughly so each jammer is behind a group of 3 skaters with 1 at the front.
The goal is for the jammers to move through the trees. Time 2-3 minutes then swap jammers.
There are a few variations:
No contact: Freeze Trees On the whistle, the back jammer moves through the trees. All of them stay still (no active blocking). Coach can give rules, such as skaters must travel through backwards, skaters must only use laterals etc.
Low contact: Square Trees As above but the trees may move in a 1m square (ahead, behind and side to side) to positionally block jammers.
Low contact: Freeze Trees + Walls On the whistle, the back three trees form a wall, the jammer attempts to get through the wall. Other trees stay still.
Low contact: Square Offensive Trees + Walls As above, but trees may move in a 1m square (ahead, behind and side to side) to help jammers.
Full contact: Offensive Trees As above but trees may actively provide offence, including longer offence.
Full contact: Say Please Trees As above but trees may only do offence if jammer asks for it (must communicate clearly- try to avoid just saying their name but instead ask for what you want e.g. "Dodge, get the brace!")
Skaters jam and block confidently.
Quizizz link: https://quizizz.com/admin/quiz/63c3d3319f30b9001d221f38?source=quiz_share
Split into two teams in different colours, with jammer and pivot hats.
Step through jam starts and simple tactics for both walls and jammers, e.g. Walls - Start at the front and 'crush' backwards after 5 seconds call to limit space for the other wall - Start in the middle, after 5 seconds call 'suck' back towards jam line, aim to be moving backwards over the line when the jam start whistle blows.
Jammers - Start on one side then switch - Start behind the other jammer - Position yourself to force the other jammer to pick a side - Start very close to the line - Start further back to get a run up
Practise this at whatever level you need to, e.g.:
No contact: Teams go to two 'bench areas' away from the track. Coach gives a rolling whistle and teams have 30 seconds to organise themselves and get onto the track, in correct positions. Coach will call 5 seconds and whistle to start the jam then whistle jam dead.
Low contact: As above but positionally block for a set time limit. Or stop and hit contact
Full contact: As above but full contact for a set time limit.
Skaters understand where to position themselves at a jam start and the basics of tactics as a wall and jammer. Skaters can get themselves ready to go on track on a whistle and be ready at a jam start.