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Jammer & new skater coach with Wiltshire Roller Derby
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2 from: - Stops on the whistle - Laterals in and out on the whistle - 1 lap backward - 2 laps non derby - 2 laps forward
3 from: - Bum kicks - High knees - Torso twist - Calf stretch - Thumb up thumb down
And then: - Concussion stretch
In pairs, skaters practise pushing each other in a few different ways. Practise both a push for momentum and a push as if you are a jammer pushing a teammate blocker. <br>
Skaters will give and receive pushes while maintaining stability and staying upright.
No specific requirements to pass Foundations.
Skaters pair up and position themselves around the track.
Skater 1 starts by pushing Skater 2 for 10ft, then skating a lap. Then they push again, then skate another lap, for however many reps you want to do (or a time limit). Then the skaters swap positions.
Low contact: Skater 2 sets up facing derby direction in a plow position. Skater 1 pushes using their hands on Skater 2’s hips.
Med contact: Skater 2 sets up facing anti derby direction. Skater 1 engages chest to chest. Coach decides if toestops are allowed.
High contact: Same as med contact but Skater 1 will engage at higher speed after they’ve done a lap so that Skater 2 must ‘catch’ them.
Higher challenge:
Increase the laps and the distance pushes, eg first skater 1 pushes 10ft and skates 1 lap, then 20ft and 2 laps, then 30ft and 3 laps etc
Skaters pack up and skate around as a pack. The coach starts as the 'Leader of the Pack' and shouts commands; speed up, slow down, inside, outside, middle, stop, touch the floor etc.
Then designate another 'Leader' who shouts commands. Coaches or other designated confident skaters skate through to bump wheels, fall unexpectedly, call other skaters to fall etc.
To add challenge, add more pack leaders who should call directions to their 'team'. Leaders can call other directions as you might say in a game, e.g. pack up, stop, wall up, move back, get to the front etc.
Skaters in all roles will communicate confidently, speeding up and slowing down as a pack, maintain speed in a group and stay upright and stable. Skaters fall small and avoid others who have fallen. Pack skaters avoid going out of bounds. Skaters recover balance after bumping wheels.
Skaters set up in a pace line.
Skater at the back weaves through.
Other skates communicate according to the rules set up by coach e.g. - Say inside/outside - Say the skater in front of you's name and tell them where the skater is etc.
Speed up the release of the back skaters to level up the drill.
Skaters weave through a paceline. Skaters communicate clearly.
Hip whips are taken by grasping a teammate by their hips with both hands and pulling yourself forward and to the side of them. This transfers some of their momentum to you.
Demonstrate effective hip whips and explain positioning for both skaters.
Skaters pair up and skate around the track taking it in turns to take a hip whip, 'leapfrogging' around each time so the skater behind who took the whip becomes the skater in front to give the whip.
Skaters will remain upright and stable when giving and receiving hip whips. Those who take the whips will gain speed effectively.
Demonstrate and explain arm whips, both inside and outside
Inside: cross arm across body to the inside. Receiving skater grasps arm, whipping skaters move arm forwards. Outside: hold arm out to the outside
Split skaters into 2 groups. Half spread out around the track and position themselves to give arm whips, either inside or outside. Practise for 1-2 mins then swap.
Skaters will give and receive arm whips confidently and stay upright and stable.
Skaters will understand the rules around scoring points.
Demonstrate a few techniques useful to score/avoid being scored on, e.g. reversing position to pull hips back, or as a jammer doing the opposite and swinging around to lead with hips. Or, last moment transitions around the hips.
Drill: Two teams wearing appropriate colours skate in a spread out pack as blockers (can have more than 4 per team for this drill).
Remaining skaters are jammers wearing appropriate colours and stars (again there can be more than 2).
Coach skates with jammers about 20 ft behind the pack and releases them at random to approach the pack and attempt to score. The opposing teams must try to avoid being scored on, while maintaining a pack.
Variations: Limit how long the jammers have to attempt to score; e.g. after 10 seconds, coach blows whistle and they/other skaters must say how many points they scored.
Skaters use effective tactics to score points and avoid being scored on.